

Happy Skin When Wearing a Mask


Americans are learning what it feels like to wear a protective mask. The constant use of masks is a preventive measure that is keeping everyone safe. But at the end of the day, we remove our masks, and many of us are seeing breakouts, rashes, and skin irritation. We will all most likely have to wear masks for months to come. Here are tips to keep your skin happy during the crisis.

You should start with a simple, effective skin-care routine. The most important thing you can do is keep your skin clean and well moisturized. Wash your face gently but thoroughly using a pH-balanced cleanser before and after wearing a mask to remove oil, dirt, and bacteria, and apply moisturizer. Make sure both your cleanser and moisturizer are fragrance-free, noncomedogenic (non-pore clogging), and non-irritating to your skin.

You should cover open wounds, breaks, cracks, or tears in the skin even if the area is completely covered by the mask. Protect any open areas with a small bandaid to prevent any possible infection is highly encouraged!

Consider skipping the makeup such as foundations and concealers that could cause irritation. Makeup can clog pores and lead to breakouts or uncomfortable buildup. Play up the parts of your face that aren’t covered by the mask — a fun eye look could be a way to help find joy in a long, stressful day!

After the mask comes off, you should apply serious moisture. For fast-acting remedies that can provide immediate relief from irritation or breakouts once the mask is off, try Aquaphor or Vaseline, both long-standing skin standbys, to layer on top of your face cream.

Need some serious skin relief? Call us at 772.217.5362 to schedule a personalized skincare consult with our board-certified dermatologists. We look forward to caring for you!

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